Most people don’t know what sex therapy is and as a result people miss out on making their sex lives as enjoyable as possible. This is done by understanding your emotions and the emotions of your sex partner. It also eliminates sexual hang-ups that were most likely taught by someone who has their own sexual hang-ups passing those problems along to others. Also feeling comfortable and not feeling concerned about some guilt and some desire to make some third party happy who is not your sex partner.
Other aspects of sex therapy can involve learning how to read the signals of your sex partner that are often nonverbal. This usually leads to more intense sex and stronger orgasms for both men and women. For some women it can lead to learning how to experience multiple orgasms where none or one was the norm.
For people who have been sexually assaulted and have lost the ability to enjoy sex without some level of trauma, sex therapy in conjunction with trauma therapy is an option to restore the ability to enjoy sex and even possibly take it to levels never yet experienced.
There are many more aspects of sex therapy so don’t be afraid to ask. That can include people that have had gender change surgery and people who are unsure of their sexual identity and want to start to experience sex that aligns with their sexual identity.